Our Financial Services
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Authorize CCCU to transfer funds electronically TO your CCCU account/loan FROM another financial institution. This authorization allows you to make one-time or recurring payments to your CCCU loan or deposit funds to a CCCU account with funds from another institution—No service fee for this service. ACH Authorization
CU Online Home Banking available 24/7 CU Online is free and offers you access to all of your CCCU accounts through the Internet 24/7.
•Transfer funds between accounts
•Monitor account balances
•Review account history
•Apply for a loan and make loan payments
•View & print E-Statements & check images
•Schedule Transfers
•All transactions are done on real time
Online Access
Mobile Banking App
CCCU is available wherever you are with our FREE Mobile Banking Application. Managing your accounts has never been easier.
Check Balances
View Transactions
Transfer Funds
Make Loan Payments
Search for Branch/ATM Locations
Secure Messaging for support
You must be an existing CU Online (home banking) user to have access to the Mobile Application. Sign up today and, in addition to free Mobile Banking, begin using these FREE online services: Home Banking | Account Alerts | Financial Calculators | e-Statements | Bill Pay
e-Alerts are easy to setup and give you the satisfaction of knowing when changes to your account occur. Login to CU Online; once in home banking select "alerts" from the options at the top of the page. Choose as many alerts as desired.
Alert Types:
Balance: You will be notified when your account balance goes above or below your pre-selected amount.
Loan Payment Alert: Receive a friendly notice of when your payment is due.
Periodic Balance Alert: Receive a notice periodically, giving your balance.
Personal Alert: With this message, you'll know when a Certificate Account is nearing maturity.
Transaction Alert: Be alerted when deposits and/or withdrawals are made.
Want to receive e-Alerts on your mobile phone?
Just enter the Text Message address for your phone in the "e-mail address" field when activating your alerts in home banking. Not sure what your phone's messaging address is? Not a problem. Wireless Text Messaging addresses usually consist of your ten digit cellular phone number (without dashes) followed by "@" and the service provider's domain name. Please be aware that some wireless providers charge a normal fee per text message received or sent. If you have trouble receiving a text message, please contact your carrier directly.
With e-Statements there is no need to continue receiving paper statements. The benefits include:
Ability to view, download or print an electronic version of your paper statements.
You can access your statement anytime, day or night, through CU Online Access.
E-Statement archived for 12 months.
Email reminders sent right to your personal email address whenever a new statement is available.
Eliminate paper statements to help reduce paper waste and conserve resources.
Greater security eliminates the risk of your statement getting lost in the mail or falling into the wrong hands.
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Even more Services
Direct Deposit
If you’re looking for a way to have security and save time when receiving your paycheck, retirement, Social Security or pension checks, look no further Direct Deposit is the best option.
• Safe
• Convenient
• Immediate credit (No Holds)
• Eliminates the risk of identity theft -
Payroll Deduction
It is the easiest and safest way to conduct your credit union business.
• Convenient & Safe way to save money
• Automatic payments to your loans
• Specify the amount you want deducted from your paycheck
Please check with your payroll dept for availability.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Safe deposit boxes are the safest place to keep your important documents
• Three sizes to choose from
• Yearly rental fees automatically deducted from your savings or checking account, on the first business day of the year
• Peer Club members can rent the 3x10 box with a $5.00 per year savings
Below is a list of documents you might keep in a safe deposit box:
Deeds and Titles •Marriage License and Divorce Decrees •Wills and Trusts•Insurance Policies
•Passport•Funeral and Burial instructions•Birth Certificates•Home inventory•Social Security Cards•Stock Certificates•List of bank accounts, Brokerage accounts, Certificates of Deposits•Credit Cards with account numbers and branch locations
Safe Deposit Rental Rates
• 3 x 10 box rents for $30.00 per year
• 5 x 10 box rents for $45.00 per year
• 10 x 10 box rents for $85.00 per year -
Identity Theft SHIELD
Identity Theft is a major problem in America. A professional thief can assume your identity in just a few hours, but it can take years for you to restore your identity. With IDentity Theft SHIELD on your side you can protect your credit, your name, and peace of mind.
Think you’re not at risk? Unfortunately, you are.
• Do you hand your credit card to servers at restaurants?
• Do you sign your credit cards?
• Do you supply personal information over the Internet?
• Do you keep your Social Security Number in your wallet?
• Do you leave mail at your home or business for the postal carrier to collect?
• Do you shred unwanted mail that contains personal information?
Central Communications Credit Union wants to help you protect yourself and your family. Don’t wait until it happens to you! Call to enroll and get peace of mind today.
Legal Shield
Protect Yourself and Your Family. You may say… “I don’t have any legal situations. I don’t need an attorney,” but if you can answer “YES” to any one of the following questions, the truth is Pre Paid Legal can help. Have You Ever…
• Needed to have your Will prepared or updated?
• Signed a contract of any kind?
• Received an inaccurate credit rating?
• Had problems with an insurance claim?
• Paid a bill you knew was unfair?
• Have teenage drivers or drive like a teenager yourself?
• Had a car repair bill that was not the amount authorized?
• Had trouble with a warranty on a product you purchased?
• Had to collect child support?
Been treated unfairly or been taken advantage of?
Get the legal help you need.

Browse by Topic
At CCCU we have many savings options with payroll deduction making saving even easier. All accounts are insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration
CCCU has a checking account that meets your needs and lifestyle, whether you’re looking to go paperless, earn rewards, or just keep it simple and convenient.
Let CCCU help you find the right vehicle that fits your budget. If you don’t know up to how much you can afford, CCCU can pre-approve your loan and take the guess out of car shopping.
Central Communications Credit Union offers essential financial services such as online banking, bill payment, mobile banking, direct deposit, and identity theft protection. Additional services include ACH transfers, safe deposit boxes, and legal assistance through Legal Shield.
VISA Account Access
Access your VISA account
CU Online
Log in to your Credit Union Account